Tommy Lundemo
I am a postdoc in the topology group in Wuppertal. I obtained my PhD from Radboud University Nijmegen in August 2022. My advisor was Steffen Sagave.
My interests include homotopy theory, derived algebraic geometry, prismatic cohomology, and algebraic K-theory. A recurring theme in my work is the use of log geometry in these contexts.
- Logarithmic TC via the Infinite Root Stack and the Beilinson Fiber Square
joint with Binda, Merici, and Park. (arXiv | preprint) - Logarithmic prismatic cohomology, motivic sheaves, and comparison theorems.
joint with Binda, Merici, and Park. (arXiv | submitted) - On Deformation Theory in Higher Logarithmic Geometry.
(arXiv | submitted) - Logarithmic Prismatic Cohomology via Logarithmic THH.
joint with Binda, Park, and Østvær. (arXiv | IMRN (2023)) - A Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Theorem and Residue Sequences for Logarithmic Hochschild Homology.
joint with Binda, Park, and Østvær. (arXiv | Adv. Math. (2023)) - On the relationship between logarithmic TAQ and logarithmic THH.
(arXiv | Doc. Math. (2021))
Winter 2024/25 I am assisting Hornbostel's lecture Einführung in die Topologie. Past teaching may be found here.
Expository notes
- Postnikov Towers of Logarithmic Ring Spectra
For the Oberwolfach workshop Homotopy Theory.
© 2024 Tommy Lundemo
Template design by Andreas Viklund